Stop being boring.
The problem with the world is that we’ve settled for it. We’ve accepted the way things are instead of imagining how they could be. To create change, we've got to say something worth disagreeing with. This is how we stand out and get the attention our work deserves: We have to pick a fight.

The Power of a Creative Life
As a kid, I discovered the power of words when my dad told me bedtime stories every night that he made up on the spot. I almost forgot that. Just before turning thirty, I started calling myself a writer started acting like it. A decade later, I found myself stuck in a life I did not want, having chased other people’s definitions of success and feeling disillusioned as a result. So I started over, each time learning something new about myself I'd somehow always known. This website is where I attempt to share how the writing life and personal transformation connect. Whether you want to write a book, launch a website, or build a business, it all begins with you. And it had better be interesting.

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Work with Me
I am a bestselling author, speaker, and ghostwriter. I write books on creativity and transformation and run a book production agency called Fresh Complaint. To learn more about ghostwriting, book coaching, and our editing services, click the link below.

Get any of my bestsellers on creativity and personal transformation.

Real Artists Don’t Starve

You Are a Writer

The Art of Work

“Jeff Goins is a fresh young voice in a field full of copycats. He challenges us to approach our work the way we would a canvas—both delicately and with furious discipline.
– Steven Pressfield, best-selling author of The War of Art

“Great copy connects at an emotional level, and Jeff writes from the heart.
– Brian Clark, CEO, Copyblogger Media

“Jeff Goins has become one of my favorite bloggers.
– Michael Hyatt, New York Times Best-selling Author

“Jeff’s writing is creative, heartfelt, engaging and effective. Subscribe, follow and befriend him today. You won’t be disappointed.
– Darren Rowse, Founder of

“Anyone trying to make a living from their creative work will find much to steal here.
– Austin Kleon, author of Steal Like An Artist

“My 4-year old just saw a picture of Jeff Goins and said, ‘Hey, isn’t that Luke Skywalker?!
– Some dude on Twitter

The End of Blogging (for Me)
Years ago, I met a famous podcaster and introduced myself as a blogger. The first thing he said was, “People still do that?” This was 2015. At the time, I took offense…

One of the Things I’ve Learned About Writing
One of the things I’ve learned about writing is that you can’t honestly write what you are unwilling to live. At first, this might seem preposterous. After all, J.R.R&…

The Largeness of a Little Life
I wake up to birdsong and soft light washing in through a window that no curtain can cover. I drink coffee and read a book, easing into the day. Work starts with an in…