Last year was the first year that I went all in on goal setting and really thinking through all the areas of my life:
- Finances
- Spiritual and emotional life
- Marriage and relationships
- Vocation
All that stuff.
There were some areas that I really struggled with.
Failure is a hard thing to admit, especially when you seem successful from the outside.
On the inside, there are some major areas of my life that need some work.
For the past day I've been going through Michael Hyatt's Best Year Ever program to reflect, think, pray, journal, and it's been really good.
I believe that our biggest blocks (to our success) are ourselves, and our own limitations. Our own limiting beliefs and what we think is possible.
If you think you can't, you won't.
A special invitation
I want to encourage you to invest in yourself within the next few weeks, and take this New Year seriously.
I don't know what 2017 looked like for you, but I think 2018 can be the best year ever for both of us.
Spend some time this holiday season thinking about what matters most to you, dreaming about what would be possible if you could really design next year the way you wanted it to look.
Dream a little bit with me.
Join me in doing another year of Best Year Ever.
Michael Hyatt has a fresh series of trainings this week, and a brand new edition of the course that I highly recommend.
- Click here to sign up for the training time that fits your schedule
- Click here to register for Best Year Ever
By the way, this special invitation isn't going out anywhere else. This is my personal note to friends who registered for Best Year Ever with me in the past.
When you sign up for Best Year Ever, you'll get to join me in a private Facebook group exclusively for people who sign up through my link when registration opens.
Our best year ever
We're going to walk through the program together, plus there is an additional bonus course, How to Write a Book, you'll receive from me as well.
You'll get a behind-the-scenes view of my process for setting goals, dealing with disappointments and frustrations, and we'll use the private Facebook group as a way to stay connected as we start the year.
I hope 2017 has been good to you.
And regardless of what this year has held, I hope you can find something to be grateful for.
I would love for you to join me in 2018 in making this your best year ever.
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