There is one secret that has improved our writing more than anything else. It's a secret so simple that it seems banal to even talk about. But the cold truth is it has radically improved our writing.
This secret isn't some law-of-attraction, spiritual mojo kind of secret either. And it's not something you have to learn over many years of rigorous practice. In fact, you can take this secret and apply it to your writing immediately.

You don't need to wait to put this into practice
This secret is so easy you might skip over it or dismiss it as a writer's platitude.
But we ask you to treat it seriously, to test it out for yourself and see how it affects your writing. If you do, you'll thank us in 30 days — we guarantee it.
If you apply this secret to your writing every day, you‚'ll have the most productive, fulfilling month of writing in your life.
Our secret is this
Sit in a chair for two hours every day.
That's right. Even if you don't write, even when you don't want to write, plant your butt in the chair daily for a couple of hours.
Eventually, the words will come.
Make sure you don't have any distractions in that chair — no internet, no television, no radio, no phone. If you're truly passionate about writing, you'll do it.
That's all you need to do to radically improve your writing
You needn't worry about word count or producing a particular number of pages.
You just need sit in that chair daily with no distractions.
Give it a shot for 30 days and notice how your world changes.
See you in a month.
How has the butt-in-chair method worked for your writing productivity? Share in the comments.
*Photo credit: Paul Keller (Creative Commons)
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