Today is the final day. Your last chance to join Tribe Writers. After that, registration closes. Watch the video below to see if it's right for you.
If you're still trying to figure out if this is for you, I want to share with you a few questions I hear every time we launch this course.
Having taught this to over 6000 students, I know the objections and obstacles people face before encountering a major breakthrough in their writing careers. But instead of hearing me talk, I thought it'd be better for you to hear from some of my students.
Recently, I received a message from a woman named Becky who said:
I've clicked over to the Tribe Writers site a dozen times or more. It looks great, sounds great, probably is great. I'm not sure if my hesitation is fear or uncertainty. It's a commitment (financial and time). I am just trying to get a writing career off the ground in the last few months, but I'm not sure of my direction. I'll probably click over a few more times still!
Does this sound like you? If so, I want to address some important concerns that you might be having right now so that you can decide if this is right for you.
Question #1: “Is it worth it?”
Tribe Writers is definitely a commitment. It's no small amount of money. So why isn't it cheaper?
Well, in addition to the scads of content you get (three courses with 30-50 videos per course), what you're really paying for is access — to me, my team, and to an exclusive community of people who will help you grow into the writer you've always dreamed of being.
If Tribe Writers were open to everyone or available at any time, it wouldn't be special. When you join the course, you get a membership to one of the most talented, generous groups of people I have ever met. And they are truly changing the world with their words.
Students tell me all the time after taking this course that it's something they would have paid thousands of dollars for, as you would expect of a university class. One alum, Eric, said, “I may have a Master's in writing, but now I feel I have the tools necessary to reach my readers.”
Does it cost money? You bet. Is what you get worth what you pay? No. It's worth a whole lot more. (See what I mean here.)
Grace Ghazarian is a Nashville-based small business owner who, as a result of Tribe Writers, started a podcast focused on helping you thrive in your own profitable business.
Question #2: “Is this right for me?”
If you feel like you were born to be a writer, if you dream of one day publishing your work and getting your message the attention it deserves, then you need to do something about that. That's why I created Tribe Writers.
Maybe this isn't the right program for you. That's fine. But please, find something. You have a responsibility to share your story, your words, your ideas, with the world. I like what one student, Pamela, said:
I don't know if I would have signed up for Tribe Writers if I hadn't had skin cancer last year, malignant melanoma. I kept putting off my dreams, thinking I would pursue my writing next year, or after the kids left home. Taking care of everyone else, and not taking care of myself. Skin cancer was a wake up call to live today and write my stories.
You don't have to take a writing course to take care of yourself… Maybe taking care of yourself is to take swimming lessons, or walk around the block, or take time to read a book. But if you want to pursue writing, I do recommend Tribe Writers. It is more than just a writing class, it is a life-long community of like minded people.
Since joining Tribe Writers, Pamela has been interviewed by the Huffington Post, started a blog for her cat (you heard me), interviewed famous authors like Steven Pressfield, and began writing a book and has started selling her art online.
And she is just one of many.
Question #3: “Should I do it?”
If you're like Becky, the woman I mentioned at the beginning of this post, and you've visited the Tribe Writers site more than a few times, each time considering signing up but never pulling the trigger, there's a reason for that. I don't know if it's fear or resistance or something else holding you back. But for a moment, I want you to forget about that and consider what might not happen if you don't take this step:
- You might not write a book.
- You might not reach someone with your message, someone who really needs your words.
- You might keep dreaming of becoming a writer someday instead of being one today.
That's why I offer a money-back guarantee. Because I want this to be right for you, and it's the best thing I can do in lieu of letting you take a “test drive.” If you sign up for the course and it isn't everything I've promised, I'll give you your money back.
In fact, you can go through the whole course for the next 30 days and still get a refund. I'll even let you keep the downloadable bonuses. Not a bad deal, right? What do you have to lose?
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Anne Peterson has published nine books, a memoir, children’s books, and a poetry grief book since taking Tribe Writers in 2012.
Question #4: “What do I get?”
I hope you'll consider doing this. Not for me. Not even for you. But for those people who haven't heard what you have to say, who haven't been changed by your message but need it.
This course will give you what it takes for you to find that tribe of readers who are ready for action. That audience who will buy every book you sell and give your words the attention they merit.
Just to refresh your memory, here's what comes with the course:
- 8 weeks of original content (over 30 video lessons), which people have called “life-changing”
- Access to an online forum and Facebook group
- Step-by-step tutorials on setting up a blog, learning how to guest post, even publishing an eBook
- Expert interviews with fiction and nonfiction authors who have built successful platforms and published their work
- Access to me and my team to help you work through any obstacles you encounter
- $500 in signup bonuses that you can download immediately
- Two bonuses courses in blogging and social media
David Villalva became a Tribe Writer, found his voice, and now helps aspiring novelists become skilled, published storytellers.
Question #5: “Will it work?”
It will if you do. Here's what you'll have by the end of the course:
- Confidence in your writing voice and clarity in your unique message and style
- A blog and email newsletter that people are actually reading and engaging with
- An eBook manifesto that will help you dramatically grow your audience
- The step-by-step guide I use to connect with influential people and get my work published on popular websites and magazines
- A detailed plan to publish your book and start making a living as a writer
How do I know? Because I've done everything I teach in this course and helped thousands of others do the same. As I like to say, “If you do the work, you'll see the results.”
So this is your final call. Tomorrow is the LAST day to register for the course. After that, registration closes, and you won't be able to sign up until registration opens again next year.
This really is the best time to join. With a 30-day money-back guarantee, you take no risk, get a ton of bonuses, have access to an incredible community, not to mention a whole lot more. So here's the real question…
Do you really want this?
Caroline DePalatis has been involved in international ministry for 20+ years, and discovered the encouraging support of the Tribe Writers community.
How to get started
If you're ready to take the next step in finding the audience your writing deserves, here's all you have to do to get started:
- Visit this page before 11:59 p.m. Pacific (U.S.) Time Friday.
- Choose the Student or Premium membership.
- Follow the instructions to register your username and password on the membership site.
- Login and get started immediately! (If you encounter any hangups, just email me.)
Don't forget: once you're in, you're in for good. There are no additional charges or hidden fees. It's a one-time deal (unless you opt for one of our affordable payment plans). I hope to see you inside!
Still have questions? Check out the live chat support on the registration page. My team will be happy to give you a quick response to your questions. Oh, and one more thing: I want to share just a few words from James, a student who has been a part of Tribe Writers since the very beginning:
Becoming a Tribe Writer has transformed me from an amateur to a professional. But not just with my writing. With my entire life. Because if any of us are going to grow, we can't stand still. We have to step out. We have to take risks. We have to leave our comfort zone behind. If we don't, our lives might be safer. But we won't become the people we were made to be. Do you really want that?
That's a powerful question. I'll leave it up to you to answer.
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