We can talk about blogging, Twitter, podcasts, Facebook, Goodreads, and everything else you can do to launch a successful book, but there is one thing that works the best AND is the hardest to do.
How do you get big name authors, bloggers, and influencers to promote your book?
I'll admit it. This is the hardest part for me too.
Fortunately, my friend Tim Grahl has been doing this for years and is an expert and finding simple ways any author can promote their book.
If you remember, Tim is the guy who has launched dozens of bestselling books as high as #1 on the New York Times bestseller list AND had five clients on the list at the same time.
Needless to say, he knows his stuff.
Several years ago he landed on something that is easy to do and works every time.
In fact, it was what took him from a behind-the-scenes nobody with a small self-published book, to a recognized expert in his field who was selling hundreds of copies a week.
For the first time ever, he's going to share this strategy publicly.
This isn't a theoretical framework that might work for you.
It's step-by-step how to find the right influencer, exactly what copy to use in your email, and how to get a “yes”.
You don't have to be a big time author or an extroverted salesy author.
Tim is teaching “How to Get Influencers to Promote Your Book” in a live, free training this coming Monday, February 8th.
Click here to grab your spot at the training.
Also, you'll want to make sure to grab your spot (there's only 1000) and show up live, because Tim will be doing a giveaway and special offer that's only available during the live presentation.
I'm excited to share this and help you with the hardest part of a book launch.
Make sure you grab your spot at this training to learn how you can get big time influencers to help promote your book. The training is this coming Monday and you can grab your spot here.
Who is one person you'd like to promote your book? Share in the comments.