Jeff: So, Bryan, you recently dropped your BlogRocket program and changed it to Killer Tribes. What's up with that?
Bryan: I had been thinking of re-branding from BlogRocket to something else for a few months when I was approached about selling the BlogRocket domain name.
When we were able to agree to terms for the sale, it made the re-brand a reality.
I chose Killer Tribes as the new name, because it's exactly what I want to help people do: build killer tribes.
A big part of that is blogging, but it's not the only part.
There's also social media, networking, personal brand management, and building community with your fans. I felt like the BlogRocket name was limiting whereas Killer Tribes opens things up a bit more.
Plus, it lets me incorporate spears into my logo, which is a “win.”
Jeff: You don't actually kill anyone… do you? I mean, tribes are people, too, right?
Bryan: I personally wouldn't kill anyone, but if that's what it takes to build your tribe, then let's put it on the table and talk about it.
Someone with a great blog on cannibalism can't just sit in front of a computer all day; they need to get out there and make friends and build a network and eat people. Wait… can I start this question over again?
Jeff: Nope. Moving on… Tell us about your upcoming eBook: 31 Days to Finding Your Blogging Mojo. What's it about? “Mojo” sounds suggestive; are you promising people dates?
Bryan: The book is about helping people focus on the things that really matter when it comes to blogging: finding your voice, connecting with true fans, and building a connection with your readers.
It gives people small action items they can do every day to overcome their frustrations and achieve their blogging goals.
That's what blogging mojo is to me, and if reading that last paragraph is getting anyone out there hot and bothered, well then maybe it will help some single blogger out there score a date, too.
Jeff: Sweet. I'll tell my cousin Lenny. You randomly insert in the book jokes that have nothing to do with blogging — hands down, the best part of the book. What's your favorite joke you share?
Bryan: Glad to know that your favorite part of the blogging book had nothing to do with the blogging. A real confidence boost for me! (I kid, of course. Thanks for the compliment).
As for my favorite joke, it's one that seems to fall flat with about half the people that hear it but it makes me laugh every time:
“As anyone who has ever been mugged by their grandparents will tell you, the element of surprise can make all the difference.”
Jeff: So you laugh at your own jokes? Hmm… (By the way, if we were having a real interview, I couldn't hear you when you speak in parentheses. Just sayin'.) On to more serious matters… What's your favorite episode of Seinfeld?
Bryan: My favorite Seinfeld episodes are all from Season 5, which originally aired when I was a senior in high school.
My friend Matt and I played on the tennis team together (I was awful) and on the bus trips we would listen to cassette recordings of Seinfeld episodes we made by holding boomboxes up to the tv speakers for a half hour.
My favorite is probably “The Glasses” where Elaine gets bit by the dog, Kramer gets Jerry a Commando 8 air conditioner, Jerry accuses his girlfriend of kissing his cousin Jeffrey, and George wears ladies frames.
Jeff: What's the #1 mistake beginning bloggers make?
Bryan: Honestly? It's writing posts that are too long.
Beginning bloggers think they need to write exhaustive posts on every subject they cover and it ends up burning them out in 2 weeks.
The crazy thing is this: most people would rather read short posts. No one has ever complained to me that something I wrote was too short.
Jeff: Interesting. Seriously, though… [Thoughtful pause] What wouldn't you do for a Klondike bar?
Bryan: Pay money for one.
Jeff: What?! Those things are delicious and worth all 99 of your pennies. So what else can we expect from you and Amazon Assassins — er, I mean, Killer Tribes — in the near future?
Bryan: When launches on October 24th expect to see amazing videos of me chucking spears into the thighs of angry bloggers. It will be intense.
And if that idea loses its luster, I'll probably be offering a very small, intensive coaching program to help bloggers, artists, and small businesses extend their reach and build their tribes.
And more stuff, too, but I can't tell you everything…
Jeff: What? I thought we were friends, Bryan. You still there? Bryan…?
* * *
To find out more about Bryan and his new eBook, check out his blog and book 31 Days to Finding Your Blogging Mojo. It releases this week.
If you're looking for a blog coach, I highly recommend him (or his eBook, which is basically a less funny version of himself on paper — well, virtual paper).
And if you want to get in on a special deal regarding his upcoming book, subscribe to my newsletter before noon CST today.
I convinced Bryan to let me send out something super-special just to that group. It'll be good; trust me.
Have you ever had a blog or writing coach? What did you learn?
If not, what would you want to learn from a blogging coach? Join the discussion in the comments.