Instead of doing the weekly reading list this week, I wanted to share with you some articles, videos, and audio clips that may help you reflect upon Easter, new life, and resurrection.
If you've never really considered the significance of this season, I urge to quiet your soul today and be present to the renewal of all things around you (and perhaps, inside of you).
Here are some Easter links for your enjoyment and reflection:
An Easter Portrait by Jeremy Cowart (via Randy Elrod) [Video]
Cool visual and audio (provided by Derek Webb) collaboration to show the power of the passion of the Christ.
The Father's Cup: A Crucifixion Narrative by Sovereign Grace Fellowship [Audio]
An emotional and descriptive depiction of the crucifixion of Christ, along with some strong theological implications. This will definitely provoke you to question what Easter means (or doesn't mean) to you.
Good Friday, circa 1966-1968 by Tim Abare [Blog]
My colleague Tim shares some of his fascinating spiritual heritage and why this weekend means to him, both in terms of personal and familial significance.
The Mystery of Good Friday by Michael Hyatt [Prayer]
Mike, an Orthodox Christian, shares a powerful prayer from the liturgy that his church read together this week. This is a great short piece to read to yourself more than once and meditate on.
Why Writers Must Practice Resurrection by Jeff Goins [Writing]
If you missed this piece that I wrote last week, I encourage you to read it and reflect on what it means for you, an agent of creativity, to practice resurrection.
Read last week's reading list here: Weekly Reading: Rob Bell Respectability, and More