I'm excited to announce the launch of my first eBook! After weeks of writing, editing, and formatting, I'm pleased to now share with you: The Writer's Manifesto.
Pow! This is a good one, a wake up call and just what you need to read. Thanks Jeff, for sharing your art.
—Seth Godin // Author, We Are All Weird
About the manifesto
The Writer's Manifesto is a small eBook about getting back to the heart of writing.
Based on a blog post I wrote called “Writers Don't Write to Get Published,” this short manifesto is a call for writers to fall back in love with writing for the love of it.
I intentionally made the eBook short and sweet, so that you could read it in one sitting.
If you are a writer, this might be just what you need to reclaim your freedom and rediscover the joy of writing. I heartily recommend it.
—Michael Hyatt // Chairman, Thomas Nelson
How to get a copy
You can get a free copy of The Writer's Manifesto by joining my newsletter list.
This will automatically subscribe you to free updates and other occasional goodies (e.g. other books and offers and such). I will always respect your privacy, and you can opt out at any time. Once you confirm your email address, you'll receive a private link to the PDF that you can download.
Jeff has declared in this brilliant eBook the silent intentions of so many of us to write once again for the pure joy of writing. He’s called out the things which can creep in a spoil our first love and says our love of writing is worth fighting for.
—Bob Goff // Author, Love Does
Once you've read it…
If you've already read The Writer's Manifesto, let me say thank you. This little book was a labor of love, and I'm honored that you took the time to read it. So… what did you think?
Share your thoughts and feedback in the comments below. If you liked it, you are welcome to share it with others. Here are a few ideas:
- Tweet about it.
- Share it on Facebook.
- Email this link to a friend.
- Print it and give a copy to a coworker or other writer (just don't charge for it or change it).
And here are some other ways to get involved:
- Share your thoughts and takeaways on Twitter, using the hashtag #writersmanifesto.
- Join the Facebook community, where you can connect with other writers who have something to say.
I loved it! Succinct-true-and applicable. Doesn't get better than that.
—Patsy Clairmont // Author and Speaker
To read other reactions and reviews, check out the endorsements page.
Write your own manifesto
One outcome that I'm hoping for is that this manifesto inspires you to write something.
If you publish something as a result of reading The Writer's Manifesto, please share it. If it's online, feel free to include the link in the comments below, as well as on Facebook and Twitter (be sure to use the hashtag #writersmanifesto). I can't wait to read your work.
Grab a free copy
Ready to fall back in love writing? Enter your email in the box below to get a FREE copy of my eBook The Writer's Manifesto. Once you confirm, I'll send a PDF straight to your inbox — no charge. Click here to get started.