It's been a busy week. Too busy, in fact. I'm exhausted.
After releasing a new eBook, editing my boss's book (which is just about ready to be published), writing for this blog (and others), and working on my own book a little, I need a break.
So instead of adding to the noise this morning, I thought I'd share with you some important pieces worth reading.
Before we do that, though, are you new here? Be sure to read more about me and see how you can get free updates to this site in whatever format you prefer.
Okay, let's continue…
First, did you get my new eBook Every Writer's Dream?
It's available for free (for awhile) when you take a 10-second survey. I'm not trying to trick you or anything; the survey will give me information that will ultimately help you.
Yesterday, I posted a guest article on Stepcase Lifehack about the process of building a platform and getting a book contract in six months — and how you can do the same.
I worked harder on this article than I have on any single blog post in a very long time. I hope it's helpful: How to Get a Book Contract in 6 Months (with a Blog)
Chris Guillebeau released a short (and beautifully-designed) manifesto called The Tower. It's an eBook about doing work that matters and leaving a legacy. It's completely free (you don't even have to give your email) and well worth your time.
In case you missed it, I interviewed Chris awhile back on the blog; he's an inspiring writing and entrepreneur who will challenge you to live outside of the box.
Julien Smith (whom I also interviewed before) released The Flinch on Amazon (in partnership with Seth Godin's Domino Project). This is also — you guessed it — free. And it's truly excellent.
The book is about fear and courage and finding the life you were meant to live. You'll need a Kindle or Kindle app (which you can download to your mobile device or computer for free). I started reading it on my phone last night and couldn't put it down.
Julien also wrote an excellent summary of the process of writing his new book here: How to do the best work of your life
Lastly, and somewhat ironically in a post about online writing, I guest-blogged for my friend Sean Platt today about why you should still consider publishing a book the old-fashioned way.
Like it, hate it, disagree with it — do whatever, but you should at least read this: What the Self-Publishing Crowd ISN'T Saying
What articles or eBooks did you read this week that you don't want others to miss? Share the links in the comments (it can even be your own work if you think it's truly unmissable).
I may update this list later today. So be sure to check back, and feel free to share this article with friends.
By the way, if you liked this list, you'll probably enjoy: 5 Cheap or Free eBooks Every Writer Should Read
*Photo credit: Nicola Romagna (Creative Commons)