The week before closing on our new (and first) house has been full of a little packing and a lot of procrastinating.
In my procrastination, I just happened to find enough time to read a few articles that are definitely worth your time.
What I'm Reading This Week
Here's what I'm finding inspiring, motivational, and helpful this week:
How Do You Get Paid for Doing Your Dream [Work]
Jon Acuff, as per usual, wrote a pithy post about what to do in the in-between time of dreaming and doing.
With the launch of his new book Quitter (which is all about doing the work that you love), he's had to answer this question a lot. His response? Practice.
The 3-Step Cure for Boring Useless Content [Blogging]
This Copyblogger post by Geoff Livingston encourages writers to adopt a trade journalist mindset when blogging and writing content for the web. His simple three-step approach is absolutely dead-on and remarkably neglected by most bloggers and online communities.
How One Bloggers Has $20,000 a Month in eBook Sales [Publishing]
This interview between Sarah Mae and Mack Collier was enlightening and challenging. I know Sarah from Twitter and verified if this was, in fact, the case — that she's making a killing on a $5 eBook. When she confirmed, I immediately started writing an eBook. You should, too.
The Professional's Platform [Life]
This post by Seth Godin needs to be read by every young person who dreams of making it big. Seth's bottom line is this: you can't influence people and succeed if you don't commit and plant your roots deeply. This applies to so much more than business.
Manage Email, Not Time [Productivity]
This post by small business coach Ethan Waldman is a wake-up call to a business culture addicted to urgency. This manifests in obsessive, constant email-checking. Weekly, I hear others and find myself saying, “I am just so busy!” Really, what we are saying is: “I keep checking my email.” Ethan provides helpful tips to reclaim your schedule by reclaiming your inbox.
No guest posts this week, but I had a few requests to do interviews, which was kind of odd.
I feel a little funny promoting myself like this, but I thought that it was the last I could do to acknowledge the interviewers and their hard work. If you'd like to interview me (for reasons that escape me), you can email me.
3Qs Interview
These nice folks were kind enough to interview me about writing, inspiration, and passion. Check out their site for interviews with people far more interesting than me.
Interview with Ben Simpson: “Like to Write?”
In this interview, fellow writer Ben and I talk writing, creativity, and personal convictions. Ben does some really interesting stuff; read more about him here.
That's all for this week; if you find interesting content and would like to see it on one of these lists, feel free to send me what you find.
Oh, and in case you missed it, you might enjoy last week's reading list.
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What're you reading this week? Share what inspires you in the comments.