This week has been eventful, fun, and busy.
From hearing some of your stories yesterday to sharing best secrets for networking, I've really enjoyed the community.
Thanks for being a part of it.
As is my practice nearly every week, I want to extend my gratitude by sharing some of my stuff on the web that I've read lately.
I hope these articles, posts, and resources help you as much as they've helped me.
If you come across helpful articles or content, feel free to email me. I'm always looking to learn more.
What I'm Reading This Week
Here's this week's list of best articles and reading materials the Internet has to offer:
How I Gained 3500 Subscribers in 12 Months [Blogging]
This guest blogger on DailyBlogTips shares some not surprising ways that he grew his blog subscribers over the course of the year, including guest posting, focus, and offering a sign-up bonus for subscribers.
The Resume is Dead, The Bio is King [Work]
This great article from The 99% helps you understand that resumes are overrated and why you need to start crafting a professional bio.
5 Reasons Why You Should Commit Your Goals to Writing [Motivation]
Michael Hyatt lays out some excellent tips for goal-setting and why writing down your objectives is essential. Something mysterious happens when you put your aspirations to paper.
Never Apologize for This [Dreaming]
Edward Paz (one of my new favorite bloggers) has a gift for inspiring people. In this succinct post (a la Seth Godin's blog), he calls dreamers to be confident in their gifts and callings.
Two New Buttons You Should Add to Your Website [Social Media]
On Friday, my friend Laura Click shared that Google released their +1 button and that Twitter now has a follow button you can add for people to follow you directly from your website. Feel free to click those buttons below.
Tomorrow, I'll be sending out my weekly newsletter. Sign up here to get it. Also, if you're interested in other ways to stay in the loop, check out how you can get free updates to this blog.
What're you reading this week? Leave a comment below and share.