My boy. He sleeps in the swing, and I slowly sip lukewarm coffee that I've let cool too long. The music from the mobile plays for a third time and finally his heavy eyelids fall. I sit on the couch, a small smile creeping on my face.
I can't help it.

I've slept less than I should but more than I have in weeks, and so today I choose to be grateful. It's Saturday, after all, and there's little to do.
I love these days, because I get to focus on what's important instead of on what's urgent. Monday through Friday, five to nine — this is the work week, consumed with busyness and urgency. But on the weekends, we slow down. Mow the lawn. Read a book.
I love the simplicity of a Saturday. It's the perfect in-between, a moment free of obligation. Because even if you do absolutely nothing today, there is always tomorrow, always another half of the weekend to catch up and strive and prepare for the coming craziness.
But today, there is none of that. There is only now. Only the moment. And we get so few of these moments in our adult life — these guilt-free snapshots where nothing is expected or demanded. So I plan to relish mine. Because who knows when it will come again?
Yes, there are dishes in the sink and a dog begging to be walked. There are bills and unbalanced checkbooks. But all of that can wait — at least for a day. Those worries were never intended for a day like today. A day so perfect as Saturday.
In Spanish, the word is Sabado — literally, “sabbath.” A rest. A break. A chance to catch our breath so that the next note we play can be strong and proud.
Today, we waste hours in the kitchen, preparing pancakes. We squander and slow down, sacrificing efficiency for delight. We turn the radio up and let the music blare. We watch movies until evening, never changing out of our pajamas. We go outside and do nothing but enjoy.
We do all this, not because we have to or need to, but because we want to. And we remember that it's days like this that help us recharge and retreat and ready ourselves for another busy week. We do this, of course, by forgetting the fact and simply savoring the moment.
If music be the food of love, play on.
How are you spending your Saturday? Share in the comments.
*Photo credit: Ashley Goins